100 km Cycle with Character
With the current wave of gender-based violence on top of the standard crime, corruption and general lack of accountability in South Africa, The Character Company remains one of the few organisations that are actively and intentionally investing in a better future by providing long-term MENtorship to young boys growing up with absent fathers or no positive male role models in their lives. In a country where it seems to never be “enough”, we are saying ENOUGH!
Are you looking for a way to be actively involved in making our country a safer and better place for children, woman and men? Are you tired of all the talking and no change? Get involved by raising funds for the MENtorship of boys to become good men. Don’t turn your back on the impact of absent fathers on our families and society -
sign up today and join us to raise boys to be better men!
South Africa has one of the highest rates of fatherlessness in the world. According to the Stats SA 2018 Children’s Education and Well-being in South Africa, almost 70% of children under the age of 18 live without their biological father at home
100 KM With Character
This is not something that we can do alone, we need your help. On Saturday the 23rd of October 2021 we are hosting a 100km with Character Cycling Challenge event in partnership with Ignite Fitness. What we need from you is one of the following actions:
Sign up as a team leader and take responsibility for a stationary bike on the day. As team leader you will be responsible to put a team of not more than 20 people together and make sure your bike clocks 100km on the day. Your team must also raise a minimum of R 100.00 per kilometre – R 10,000.00 in total.
If you are not keen to lead a team but want to take part as an individual, you may also sign yourself up and raise a minimum of R 100.00 per kilometre.
Support an existing team by sponsoring someone with R100 per kilometre ,
To join an existing team, please e-mail us at ch@racter.co.za with 100 KM in the subject line so that we can let you know what teams have spaces available.
Continue to follow us on social media and keep track with the roll out of this event.