
Becoming a MENtor changes lives...
Mentoring on our program is about the relationship between an adult male (MENtor) and a boy child (acorn) that provides the young boy with the guidance, support and encouragement that will make a positive and lasting difference in his life.
The Character Company MENtors work to build these relationships with their Acorn groups through an activity-based program. Our weekly program follows a curriculum in which we include talk topics and a number of our activities are aligned with our message, so whether the boys are rock-climbing or playing in the park they enjoy one-on-one interaction and are encouraged to live their values.
According to recent studies, nearly 68% of SA households are headed by single mothers. So of the 900 000 babies born last year, just under 50% were born to single mothers and no paternal information was recorded on their birth certificates. (VIEW ARTICLE)
"The single largest proportion of children living with their mothers only, which is 39 percent. Only four percent live with their fathers and the remaining 24 percent live in child-headed households." African children have the lowest proportion of present fathers at 31.1 percent. Children living without male role models are prone to a life of poverty. (VIEW ARTICLE)
There is a crisis of absentee fathers and positive male role models! Don’t just take our word for it!
We have included a selection of videos and links of interest that will illustrate how your choice to be mentor will change not only the lives of those you mentor, South African society will reap benefits for generations to come.
First some facts...
59% of boys who are MENtored, get better grades.
Boys who meet regularly with their MENtors are 52% less likely than their peers to skip a day of school and 37% less likely to skip a class.
Boys who meet regularly with their MENtors are 46% less likely than their peers to start using illegal drugs and 27% less likely to start drinking.
Why dads can’t be the dads they want to be?
The result of Fatherlessness in South Africa
Fractured Families: A Crisis for South Africa
So we are ATM Fathers - A study of absent fathers in South Africa
www.uj.ca.za | University of Johannesburg, Department of Humanities
Single-parent Households the norm, says study
www.ci.org.za | Children’s Institute, University of Cape Town
Fathers and Other Men in the lives of children and families
www.carnegie3.org.za | Strategies to Overcome Poverty & Inequality Conference, University of Cape Town
Tony Porter - Author, Educator & Activist
View Tony Porter’s call to men everywhere, “Don’t act like a man”
Telling powerful stories from his own life, he shows how this mentality, drummed into so many men and boys, can lead men to disrespect, mistreatment and abuse women and each other.
His solution: Break free of the "man box."
Dream a Dream’s YouTube Video
Be A MENtor
We felt this short video expressed the significant role a MENtor plays in the life of a child...