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In recent years campaigns like Random Acts of Kindness have captured our imaginations and the Internet is filled with stories of people stepping up and taking inspiring action, all in the name of kindness.

What started as a phrase on a placement back in 1982, became a book, Random Kindness and Senseless Acts of Beauty authored by Anne Herbet in 1993. And in 2017 and the first ever, National Day of Kindness was hosted on 13 November and since then the idea of randomised kindness has grown globally, as a growing number of countries add a day of kindness to their national calendars.

In fact a google search will result in 249 000 videos showcasing a range of moments from the incredible to the most heart-warming displays of human kindness.

At The Character Company we love how inspired people are by kindness and know that our boys are not only benefitting from the kindness of our volunteer MENtors but will further benefit by paying that kindness forward. We feel that our boys should be aware of the world around them and their impact on it. So for us it’s more about intentional kindness, thinking about how you can help someone else and taking steps to do just that! We talk to our boys about what kindness means and as Archbishop Desmond Tutu once said, “do your little bit of good where you are; its those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world”.

So whether your acts of kindness are random or intentional, let’s get out there and extend a hand in kindness to those around us. If you need some inspiration, we found a number of lists online and we’d like to share our top 20.


  1. Keep a box of breakfast bars in your car, offering one to someone who looks hungry along your way.

  2. Volunteer to work at or with a local NGO - we know a great NGO :)

  3. Next time someone cuts you off on the road, gently wave them in.

  4. Donate a bag of stuff that you no longer use.

  5. Smile at people. (Yes, displaying kindness can be that easy.)

  6. Hold the door open for a mom with a pram.

  7. Pick up trash on the street or at the park.

  8. Next time you order something from a counter, ask the cashier about their day.

  9. Share a friend’s Facebook event or charity page, to drum up awareness. :)

  10. Say “thank you.” This should go without saying, but anytime someone does something nice for you, say “thank you” warmly and genuinely, not fleetingly.

  11. Organize a craft night with your friends. Vow to gift the final product to a random person or donate the whole lot to a charity in need.

  12. Buy an extra cup of coffee or warm breakfast and offer it to the homeless person.

  13. Bake cookies and bring the whole batch to your favorite restaurant or small business for the employees to enjoy.

  14. Warmly greet anyone who crosses your path.

  15. Send a care package to a friend in another province for no reason.

  16. Stop to let a pedestrian cross the street.

  17. Make or buy a box of thank you notes and leave it for your team at work or your family at home.

  18. Treat a friend to a yoga class or invite someone to be your guest at your gym.

  19. Give your old warm coat or an extra blanket to someone in need.

  20. Promote a friend’s small business or website. It is HUGE for them and small for you.

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