Fighting fair - ground rules for boys
Conflict is part of any relationship, it’s not possible to always agree with everything your friends and family say or do. Conflict is...

Values to live by
Life is an ongoing process of self-discovery that often leads us to a crossroads where we are required to make a choice, live in denial...

Camping with Character
There is no place where raising boys to be good men is so much fun with such great impact than on camp. It is a time of new adventures...

Personal turned public
Social media has been the single most life altering invention our generation has witnessed, since sliced bread! Many of us can recall a...

Know yourself and love you anyway
Each of us have a unique set of strengths and weaknesses and whilst many of us feel ashamed of our weaknesses, our strengths should not...

Values, how do they shape us?
Values are often described in two ways, the first being that a person may have a value of kindness...

Infuse your life with action
It’s already the second month of 2017 and the pressures of work, home and school are in full force. It’s so much easy to let our dreams...

Faith - the courage to believe
Many of us have heard the saying ‘If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything’, at some point in our lives. The context...